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Our Policies

Big Learning values our relationship with the families who take part in our enrichment experiences. Clearly stating the rules, in the form of the policies below, helps keep these relationships strong. Please read these policies carefully and feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns.


Once a class is formed, Big Learning commits the tuition funds we collect to pay our cost in providing the class (student materials, classroom space, and teacher salary). For this reason, there are no refunds unless we cancel the program. If a class does not start due to insufficient enrollment, Big Learning will refund class tuition.

Student Behavior

We train our teachers in strategies to encourage an orderly atmosphere conducive to learning. We have procedures in place for helping teachers and parents communicate about behavior problems. However, Big Learning reserves the option of requiring the withdrawal, without a refund, of any child whose inappropriate behavior prevents the class from proceeding constructively despite the efforts of staff and parents.

Late Pickup

Parents who fail to pick up their children on time will be asked to withdraw them without a refund after the second “late pick-up” offense.

Photos, video recordings, and data collection

Big Learning uses photographs and video recordings of children in our classes to communicate the value of our programs to families, funders, and supporters. We also collect data on the quality of our classes in the form of observations, surveys, and collection of student work.
Photos and video recordings of children in class may be taken by Big Learning and may be used for Big Learning purposes, unless parent notifies Big Learning otherwise.

Big Learning will never identify a child by name or location in any public use of data, photographs or video recordings without a parent’s written permission.

Snacks and food-related class activities

Big Learning does not generally provide snacks in our classrooms. We encourage students to eat snacks sent by parents before they enter the classroom. This helps us keep classrooms clean and helps protect students with food allergies or sensitivities. Occasionally food may be part of a classroom activity.
Parents must inform Big Learning in writing (as part of the registration process) if their children have food issues, because we have no other way of knowing. We try to work with parents to accommodate their children safely, but may ask a child to skip a class that is at odds with the child’s needs if we cannot accommodate the child safely.


If a child has an allergy it is understood that epi-pens are not available before and after school hours and parents are informed that they are responsible for submitting the Big Learning Allergy Asthma Plan to the appropriate Big Learning office.

There are no provisions for supervising children when they are not in class and neither Big Learning nor the school can assume responsibility for them.